Locked out of your Matter and Form or Bevelpix account? You'll need to reset your password! It's really simple, and here are step-by-step instructions on how to do it.
You'll need to open your web browser and go to matterandform.net.
On the top right-hand corner of the page, click on "Log In". A new window will pop up.
Click on "Forgot password". You'll be directed to a new page.
Enter your email address in the field provided. Remember: you use the same email info for Matter and Form as you do on Bevelpix unless you originally set both accounts up on different email addresses.
After entering your email address, the "Send reset email" button will be active. Click on it and a reset email request will be sent to the email address you entered. You should receive the email within 10 minutes.
Once you receive the email, open it and click "Click here to reset your password".
You'll be redirected to your browser once again where you will need to enter a new password.
Once you've entered your new password and clicked "Set password", you'll get a confirmation message.
You're set! You can now log in.
If you continue to have problems, email us at support@matterandform.net or submit a request and we'd be happy to help you!
Happy Scanning!