This article is for V2 and V1 3D scanners.
The most effective way to get complete geometry of an object is to scan it from different angles (with the object placed in different positions on the scan bed) and align the resulting point clouds together in the Project Editor.
Once you have captured enough point clouds to give full object coverage, for example, one scan to capture the sides, and another scan to capture the top and bottom, clean the point clouds before aligning them.
The first point cloud to align is the one that is in the orientation you wish the entire scan to be in. This will be the point cloud to which the other point clouds are aligned. To begin the alignment process, click A on a point cloud in your desired orientation.
This scan will be used as the reference for the next scan’s alignment. Subsequent scans chosen for alignment will use all the previously aligned scans as their reference.
Alignment may take a few minutes depending on the size and complexity of the point clouds.
Occasionally the alignment algorithm identifies the wrong key points for aligning scans together, particularly with symmetrical objects. When alignment fails in this way, try aligning your scans in a different order.